Thursday, December 26, 2019

Analysis on the Poem Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold

The Poem â€Å"Dover Beach† is a dramatic monologue of thirty-seven lines, divided into four unequal sections or â€Å"paragraphs† of fourteen, six, eight, and nine lines. In the title, â€Å"Beach† is more significant than â€Å"Dover,† for it points at the controlling image of the poem. On a pleasant evening, the poet and his love are apparently in a room with a window affording a view of the straits of Dover on the southeast coast of England, perhaps in an inn. The poet looks out toward the French coast, some twenty-six miles away, and is attracted by the calm and serenity of the scene: the quiet sea, the moon, the blinking French lighthouse, the glimmering reflections of the famous white cliffs of Dover. He calls his love to the window to enjoy the†¦show more content†¦It is only in the fourteenth line, with the mention of â€Å"an eternal note of sadness,† that there is any indication that the reader will be exposed to anything more than a simple description, that in view of what follows one shall have to reorient oneself to the significance of the initial description. The second dominant image in the poem is in lines 25 through 28, expressing the emotional impact of the loss of faith. The individual words add up—melancholy, withdrawing, retreating, vast, drear, naked—re-creating the melancholy sound of the sea withdrawing, leaving behind only a barren and rocky shore, dreary and empty. These images, emphasizing the condition after faith has left, present a void, an emptiness, almost creating a shudder in the reader; it is perhaps a more horrifying image than even the battlefield image with which the poem closes. The last important extended image closes the poem; it is a very common practice for Arnold to supply such closing, summarizing images in an attempt to say metaphorically what he perhaps cannot express directly. (Such closings are to be clearly seen in â€Å"The Scholar-Gipsy,† â€Å"Sohrab and Rustum,† â€Å"Tristram and Iseult,† â€Å"Rugby Chapel,† and others.) The calm of the opening lines is deceptive, a dream. Underneath or behind is the reality of life—a confused struggle, no light, nothing to distinguish good from evil,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Poem Dover Beach By Matthew Arnold1139 Words   |  5 PagesMonelle Shuman English Lit 202 K. Morefield December 1, 2014 An Analysis of â€Å"Dover Beach† by Matthew Arnold Dover Beach is thought to be one of the best representations of the Victorian Period all together. It portrays the mood and tone of what the people experienced and felt at that time. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Globalization And The Threat Of Cultural Imperialism

Globalization has produced a new level of interconnectedness among us, for it is an interconnectedness that not only compels diversification, but also provides a shared experience into the worldview of the accompanying culture. While the power of globalization would be advantageous in stimulating sustainable economic growth; that same power produces an evolving set of consequences – some good and some bad. In order to understand the effects of globalization and the threat of cultural imperialism, it is important to assess the aspects of cultural homogenization. While the diffusion of many cultures may reduce cultural diversity – it is a necessary evil, for homogenization not only conveys the limits, but also the possibilities and the power the culture holds in sharing their authentic self with the rest of the world. In â€Å"Homogenisation Globalisation†, John Tomlinson explores the threat that homogenisation is to cultural authenticity in developing countries. Tomlinson quotes Ulf Hannerz in defining the threat as â€Å" a tempting ‘master scenario’ of global cultural development † (891). While an integration of mass media may seem both attractive and perfectly sensible in creating a global market, Tomlinson believes that there is still a lack of critical concepts that qualify the idea of homogenization. It is undeniable that wherever there is modernization, westernization will follow. As local cultures are absorbed by more dominant outside cultures, the sharing of mass mediaShow MoreRelatedThe Media And Its Effects On The Global World1550 Words   |  7 Pagesof media and the benefits of globalization, Disney is able to produce and endorse their own American values into a global marketplace; but does Disney contribute to the homogenization or heterogenization of culture on a global level? 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Information Security Plan Organiation Development

Question: Discuss about the Report for Information Security Plan of Organiation Development. Answer: Introduction The choice of simple accessibility along with less time utilization are the two driving components that have prompted the foundation of an e-commerce set-up within the worldwide markets. The development in this business is expanding in a way that all the clients don't have to waste their time any longer on shopping from physical stores. These organizations give efficient delivery of orders at customers doorsteps which work as a catalyst for the development of the organizations working in the e-commerce industry. Choose Deep firm is the prestigious organization which provides services to customers all over Asia. The organization has its complete presence in different areas of Asia; the organization also has the representative strength of hundreds of individuals who proficiently handle the requests and conveyances of incomprehensible client base within Asia. The organization's main goal is to give the best client experience and advantages so they can grow their client base as well as t heir operations around the entire world. This paper is a study about reflective practice as well as learning of different contexts about risk controlling and protection mechanisms for organizations information system. This study enables the reader to understand the impact of an interpersonal communication, specifically on management procedures and generate outcomes using proper theories. The relationship between the personnel and security and laws and ethics are discussed in this report. This report emphasizes on investigating the activities of controlling as well as monitoring the risk of information security frameworks within the organization. This study includes the risk controlling plans and functions, and protection mechanism that must be followed by the company. The personnel and security, and ethics and law suggests the use of PRT monitoring within the information security administration. Security System of ADP With the fast expansion of e-trade and e-business, organizations are confronting high pressure from clients, suppliers, and contenders. Their clients are seeking low cost, high caliber, and speedy supplement reacts. The adaptability to lessen the stock and to diminish the cost during the organization's operations procedure, has turned into a significant work for the company. Consequently, the organization requires the support of a solid alley to keep the competitive advantages which ERP framework emerges (Schneider, 2015). For the covert planning of data security framework into actions, the e-trade's organizations are conducting an examination to understand and to know about the clients needs and prerequisites (Ghosh, 2001). The selling and purchasing of products and services in the e-trade industry are posturing few security concerns and issues for the organizations. The unknown, prompt and interconnected way of deliverables have prompted the advancement of security dangers that are focusing on the retail benefits and the e-trade industry all the while. With the expansion in the innovation in technology and advancements, the recurrence of digital assaults is likewise expanding. Due to the digital risk, the clients are feeling hesitant to pick the online administrations for shopping or obtaining any item. The risk of getting some secret data about the bank account details, financial issues, and so forth are a few areas where the clients are not feeling sufficiently safe to buy from the online method of shopping. Controlling Risk The term hazard or risk is connected with the numerous human tasks due to its space investigation, atomic reactor development, organization acquisition, security assessments of data frameworks, or data frameworks advancement. Accordingly, individuals in an assortment of spaces have considered the opinion of the risk. It is grouped into three classes: unadulterated risk, crucial risk, and theoretical risk. The theoretical risk includes pick-up or misfortune by the firm. A case of theoretical risk might be an evolvement of execution of software for new data framework which can possibly reap incredible prices if the product strengthens the productivity of the firm. Then again, it might bring about a misfortune, for instance loss of venture (Huang, 2004). Risk Control Strategies At the point when dangers from data security dangers are making a focused inconvenience to IT and IT security groups of interest manage or control the dangers. Four basic strategies utilized to control or manage the risks: Avoidance: The suitable risk management procedure among all the procedure is elimination or avoidance, so ought to invest its efforts into exploring this choice wherever conceivable. The avoidance for the most part means not doing the task or a project at all in the future, yet it can likewise mean updating work and procedure so that the dangerous stride no longer must be taken. As a general rule, avoidance is regularly a great deal as it is more conceivable than numerous individuals might suspect because numerous dangers are presented with specific choices as well as can be un-presented or expelled by various choices, particularly, if the pioneer or chief who presented the risk or danger is responsible for settling the choices to stay away from the risk (Whitman and Mattord, 2004). Elimination or Avoidance procedures incorporate the alternative of not performing any activity which might convey risk by any chance. An example of this strategy is, not purchasing a proper ty and a business, and always keeping in mind the end goal not to take on the liability that accompanies it. Another example might be not flying to maintain a strategic distance from the danger being ready if the plane was hijacked. Avoidance might seem, as an appropriate solution for all dangers. However, keeping away from dangers, additionally implies missing out a possible gain that accepting the hazard might have permitted. Not entering a business to stay away from the danger of misfortune likewise avoids the likelihood of gaining benefits. Similarly, not flying means either not getting to the destination or choosing another method to travel (Knapp, Morris and Marshall, 2009). Transfer: Transfer is not generally accessible to the supervisor as a choice, yet in the to take a look at avoidance procedures this might be the best way to deal with risks. Transfer implies bringing about another party to acknowledge the risk, normally by contract and also by supporting. Protection is one kind of risk transfer, which utilizes contracts. Next time it might include contract dialect that transfers a hazard to some other party without any payment of a protection premium. The obligation among development or different temporary workers is regularly transferred in this way. This procedure empowers the firm to give the security or protection to those firms which has danger to their data framework or IS does not have greater security administration within the firm (Whitman, Mattord and Shackleford, 2006). For those organizations, this procedure will be appropriate in taking care of the issues with respect to the security. Bases on this idea the organizations will procure th e outside faculty or organizations to take the obligations of transfer skill security to the data which is inside the organization electronically or physically. Another example of transfer strategy will take balancing positions in subsidiary securities. This is normally how financial firms or reserve supervisors utilize hedging for the money-related risk administration. A few of the methods in which hazard is conceivably transferred falls in several classes. The hazard maintenance pools are in fact, holding the hazard for all participations, yet spreading it over the entire group includes transfer among people from the group. This is unique in relation to conventional protection, no premium is traded between individuals from the group in advance, but instead misfortunes are evaluated for all individuals from the group. From multiple points of views, the transfer might sound simple. However, if another group or a gathering of individuals or even an alternate firm can deal with a part icular hazard superior to anything a company would, it is a legitimate decision to pursue (Whitman and Mattord, 2004). Mitigation: Mitigation is basically worrying with a decrease in the effect that a specific hazard may have. According to this system, the organization normally acknowledges that the hazard cannot be avoided as well as transferred and now it just tries to lessen the expected damage or loss to the acceptable levels. Obviously, "adequate" is the subjective term as well as work with how many hazards the association might be agreeable in taking care of security from task to task and from project to project. However, in every case, the point is to either lower or improves the probability or reduce the effect. As a rule, relief includes accomplishing a lessening of the hazard effect. This implies that a firm relief methodologies ought to either decrease the likelihood of the happening of the hazard or reduce the general seriousness experienced when it happens. This process of transfer risks will be made by the organization while the occurrence of risk is in advance. With a specific end goal to utilize the control of risks, DRP is responsible for deciding the level of risk that can happen in the organization, evaluate the likelihood of the hazard, assessing the potential harm that could happen from assaults and assessing the feasibility of different controls (Ram, Corkindale and Wu, 2013). Acceptance: Risk acceptance is the risk controlling strategy which company will acknowledge with a specific end goal to accomplish its business objectives or destinations. Each person and association have an alternate level of hazard resistance frequently called its hazard hunger, with corporate culture and values being an essential driver behind satisfactory resilience levels. For example, the atomic business may have an exceptionally preservationist, generally safe resistance culture for everything because it frequently invests tons of energy and cash on hazard administration and security measures. A promoting organization, then again, may have a high hazard resistance culture and along these lines will make "less secure" choices around a great deal of things it does. The hazard resistance then is the aftereffect of settling on a thinking choice to bear the outcomes of an occasion that will happen. The resilience of the hazard can take two structures, detached and dynamic. Classes of controls Controlling danger through avoidance, mitigation and transference might be refined by executing controls and defends. Control Function: The safeguards and controls are intended to guard the vulnerability either preventive or criminologist. Preventive controls and safeguards stop endeavors to adventure the vulnerability by actualizing authorization of an authoritative strategy and a security rule, for example, confirmation and confidentiality. Engineering Layer: There are various controls applied in many layers of the organizational specialized designed security systems. Among the engineering layer designators utilize authoritative arrangement and outer systems. System Layer: Controls are some of the time characterized by the hazard control methodology which works inside evasion and moderation. Protection Mechanisms The information security is a general policy which has been set down in the firm to restrain the liberty of subordinates. The term business strategy depicts the information, abilities, as well as attitudes constituting the common administration of the entire firm. In a few cases, the term security policy is exchanged with a term methodology while in some cases the term signifies a particular reaction to dull circumstances. Some recommend that very much characterized policies don't really prompt to well-managed institutions along with that great directors ought to delegate strategy choices to others. It does not suggest that hierarchical approaches are a bit much, but strategies ought to develop after some time from a blend of working choices. The harm created by noxious action is boundless. The Microsoft Forefront Risk Management Gateway gives an exhaustive arrangement of barriers to ensure PCs and systems in your association from noxious movement and malware (Ram, Corkindale and Wu, 2013). Protection Mechanism consists of following steps: Interruption discovery. As an initial line of safeguarding, Forefront TMG gives mechanisms that examine all the activity to recognize bundles that were uniquely created for propelling particularly known sorts of assaults. Flood mitigation:. The aggressors can utilize substantial quantities of all around framed parcels that are sent from sources to goals permitted by the firewall approach to mounting surge assaults that drain the causality assets and incapacitate its administrations. The cutting edge TMG utilizes association counters and association breaking points to distinguish and pieces movement from customers that create exorbitant activity and permit true blue movement to keep on flowing. Malware assessment: The web movement might contain malware, for example, worms, infections, as well as spyware. Frontline TMG incorporates complete apparatuses for examining and blocking destructive substance, documents, and Web destinations. Utilizing Events as well as Alerts: When the forefront TMG distinguishes malignant action and pieces movement, it creates occasions, which can trigger cautions that are characterized in your arrangement. One can utilize these alarms, which are shown on the Alerts tab of the Monitoring hub, to track and moderate assaults. Cautions can be designed to perform particular activities, which incorporate sending email warnings, summoning an order, beginning and ceasing administrations, and logging (Huang, 2004). Personnel and Security During the time spent on empowering the component of ensuring the data the unique board of trustees was being selected specifically by the security advisory group. This panel has been going by the central security officer. Under this power there are different two branches required in it , which is data security chief and nearby security councils are available. The primary part of the data security administrators includes, making of approaches and giving some security against the dangers of the commpititors groups. In this procedure chiefs of the organization keeps up the information security technology to survey the security framework in the firm with the help of software which is PRTG programming software of money related control of the data framework. The organization has a decent structure for the productive security framework for private data. It influences the security framework by taking complete assistance of a technology furthermore the human force of work. The nearby security advisory groups introduce in the firm in charge of coordinating the workers. The board of trustees draws a framework which take care of different neighborhood security issues organization face and gives the undeniable data framework in the firm. There are various exceptional software which staff utilized to control and moniter the danger of data, and most of the organization use PRT monitering software which is a type of an electron in order to guarantee the security of the data. Company is likewise in charge of outlining and actualizing new security innovation within the firm. There are numerous security work force required in the security advisory group of the association which incorporates security examiner who guarantees the approaches and prerequisites of the association so as to meet the elements of the associations. likewise empowers to apply new process and innovation inside the firm. Ethics and Law Ethics are the policies or standards which guide the personnel behavior with respect to the different activities as well as decides what type of activities, whether right or wrong are performed within the firm. Each organization ought to use the ISSA code of morals keeping in mind the end goal to ensure the data in the association. Laws and morals are related to each other without morals, the laws can't be constrained on any person in the association. As the web started to begin, the issues and wrongdoings identification with this additionally started. So, the development of innovation is profitable to the general public, and business, yet in the meantime, it also has the danger of some level. In the event, if the client neglects to follow the morals and hurt numerous associations in the method, for robbing of the helpful data, extorting the general population for picking up cash in illicit ways, and so forth. In such circumstances, the laws of the data security will help the people. As the organization is probably aware of the security and assume a major part of any review or money-related firm is running with different E-trade and web. With the help of this law, the representatives must battle for the data security standards towards getting and controlling the danger of the data security framework in an association (Huang, 2004). There are numerous different laws identified with the responsibility of information, and also trust and digital security data sharing acts are there which helps in ensuring the classification of the data. As the innovation develops the shades of malice in business, expanding in an extraordinary way so the accompanying exchange will be made different issues confronted by the lawful framework in keeping up the upgraded innovation and couple of laws will be talked about in respect of the PC violations in the UK. There are different laws adopted by the concerning the data security framework. The representatives selected fo r the security reason must have the worldwide data confirmation declaration and also some other testament has the ISO 27001:2005 moral standard (Ram, Corkindale and Wu, 2013). PRT Network Monitor The PRT Network Monitor is a system observing apparatus that guarantees the accessibility of system segments and measures activity and utilize it. PRTG Network Monitor incorporates more than 150 sensor sorts for all normal system administrations, including HTTP, SMTP, FTP, POP3, and so on. It can ready clients to black out before its clients even notice them, by means of email, SMS, and a pager. Stunningly better, after clients utilize PRT to track and ask for times and uptime for a couple of months, organizations can streamline its system with the end goal that the pager never rings again. PRTG Network Monitor keeps running on a Windows machine inside the firm's system, gathering different insights from the machines, programming, and gadgets which the organization assigns. It additionally holds the information so the organization can see the verifiable execution, helping the firm to respond to changes. PRTG accompanies a simple to utilize web interface with a point-and-snap design w hich effectively imparts information from it to non-specialized partners and clients, by means of live charts and custom reports. The performance checking programming screens a system utilizing system information, procurement convention or organize administration conventions NMPs, for example, SNMP and records different information identified with system execution, for example, the said measurements of deferral, accessibility, and dependability. The product likewise shows the information/measurements utilizing diagrams for examination and frequently contains components to discover and analyze shortcomings or execution irregularities. The execution observing programming frequently underpins different components, for example, checking of different system gadgets/elements, including firewalls, switches, database servers and web servers, parcel sniffing, reporting and logging of execution insights and numerous sensors for observing different system administrations and conventions e.g. H TTP, UDP, POP3, TCP/IP, FTP, SMTP, and DNS. The three executions checking programming items that were analyzed includes PRT network, PRT organizes screen and Windows Server 2003 Performance Monitor utilized for observing Windows 2003 servers. The first item that will be examined is PRT Network Monitor. The PRT Network Monitor is appraised as one of the top-offering as well as prevalent system checking programming bundles that are accessible and available today (, 2016). According to the founders: Almost 150,000 administrators based on PRT Network Monitor daily control or monitor their Server, WAN, LAN, Apps, URLs as well as much more. This software contains a large group of components for the propelled client in the business packages, however, more restricted elements in the freeware and trial package. The features of the complete commercial are as follows: This software supports the accompanying sorts of checking: uptime and downtime observing or monitoring, transmission capacity monitoring, utilizing a few prominent system information securing conventions, for example, SNMP, WMI, Packing sniffing and Ciscoa NetFlow, application checking, Virtual Server checking, SLA checking, VoIP as well as QoS observing, ecological observing and LAN, WAN and VPN checking. Evaluation PRT Network Monitor software have the complete support needed by any system administration expert to monitor or check information system, which includes SNMP assistance, assistance for different system administrations and conventions and monitoring of measurements, for instance, accessibility, postponement, and parcel misfortune, each has their own advantages and disadvantages. The PRT Network Monitor software is unquestionably the least expensive alternative and practical in contrast to WPM, in this manner, it would be the prescribed choice for the organization with a vast system. What's more, its organizers assert that about 150,000 executives are utilizing it around the entire world, in this manner, it might be perceived as a higher quality software (Knapp, Morris and Marshall, 2009). Suggestions and Disadvantages The PRT Network Monitor software has a little form on iPhone stage for system observing. The client who is taking a shot of this product utilizing electronic interface which permits to arrange the gadgets needed to the screen, and make reports with tables and diagram charts. The manager who screens gadgets in the system can set purported sensors as Web administrations and are in-charge of checking the parameters of the system. The drawback is that it is tangled to a great degree to get the consent from the organization for checking off every single sensor. The download procedure of this product is basic, yet the difficult procedure here is the setup of the software. PRTG boasts more than eighty sensors, and with such numbers, it is troublesome for an association and a man to make sense of which sensor connected to a specific device is troublesome errand. In such cases, the PRT auto disclosure organization given by the association will be proposed to use. As physical including of the contraption is completely tormenting that is the reason the auto disclosure work is boundlessly enhanced than including the device physically. It is additionally prescribed to have a trial version of PRTG for thirty days before obtaining the verifiable one for the firm. The purchase of this product is exceptionally financed savvy and requires a constant reimbursement to impel the sensors opportunely as the association is giving costs comprehensive, so it is proposed that the quantity of sensors used by the association should be above thousand. It will help in watching the whole arrangement of the organization. Conclusion This report discussed the issues that extensive systems confront and the system administration techniques that can be practiced to mitigate and forestall the issue of information security program. It additionally discussed the measurements that can be observed and rectified to enhance and arrange execution of unwavering quality. It has also been concluded from this investigation that the data security framework is crucial for the firms which have delicate information about their clients. Keeping up the data security framework, it requires a particular security advisory group to be selected and arrangements and methods, law and morals to be worried as the part of the hazard control in the data framework. It is proposed to utilize the PRT programming for the organization which is locked in with numerous delicate or sensitive data so as to control and monitor the hazard acquired all the while. References Ghosh, A. (2001). Security and Privacy for E-Business. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Oct. 2016]. Huang, S., Chang, I., Li, S. and Lin, M. (2004). Assessing risk in ERP projects: identify and prioritize the factors.Industrial Management Data Systems, 104(8), pp.681-688. Knapp, K., Morris, R. and Marshall, T. (2009). Information security policy: An organizational-level process model. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Oct. 2016]. (2016).PRTG Network Monitor - Powerful Network Monitoring Software. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Oct. 2016]. 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Monday, December 2, 2019

The Longest Day (1962) and Saving Private Ryan (1998) Essay Example

The Longest Day (1962) and Saving Private Ryan (1998) Paper Both these scenes are representing different directors interpretations of the D-Day landings at Omaha Beach. Darryl F. Zanuck directed The Longest Day in 1962. The film was made only seventeen years after the end of the Second World War, and so Zanuck had to keep in mind that some peoples memories of the war were still very vivid. He hired forty-eight international stars, twenty thousand extras and took two years to make this three-hour film. The Longest Day won two Oscars in cinematography and special effects. Steven Spielberg directed Saving Private Ryan in 1998. This film was made decades after the war had ended. Historic evidence was more widely known and so Spielberg could make a realistic war film. Many more special effects were available and with a budget of ninety million dollars, Spielberg won awards at the Oscars, BAFTAs and the Golden Globe. The first thing that I think you have to take into account when comparing these scenes is where in the film the clips are taken. The clip from The Longest Day is taken from the middle of the film. Many of the main characters have already been introduced and the audience has had a build up to the D-Day landings. We will write a custom essay sample on The Longest Day (1962) and Saving Private Ryan (1998) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Longest Day (1962) and Saving Private Ryan (1998) specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Longest Day (1962) and Saving Private Ryan (1998) specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer On the other hand, Saving Private Ryan has the D-Day landings at the beginning of the film. Spielberg uses the scene as an introduction to the war and so a great effort has been made to captivate the audience. The Longest Day is shot in black and white throughout the film. It is hard to distinguish different objects. This is mainly because our generation are used to seeing things in colour, and when The Longest Day was released people were used to watching in black and white so it made no difference to them. Saving Private Ryan is in bleached colour. This is a technical term meaning that the colours have been faded. The red of the blood though, is strongly visible and has been enhanced to make the blood stand out from the water. The beginning of the scene from The Longest Day starts with a subtitle in front of a view of Omaha Beach telling the audience where the battleships are landing. In the background we hear very patriotic music giving the sense of pride to all the war veterans that may be watching. I think that the music is there to make the whole battle seem grander than it really was, unlike Saving Private Ryan where the first thing we hear is the lapping of the tide. The swirling sea shows a great contrast from the peace and calm before the battle, to the noise and unrest of war. This is not a gentle scene though. Giant tetrahedrae are positioned in the sea, their job to rip the bottoms off the boats. The image set is a sinister scene. In The Longest Day we next see a shot of the landing craft with a hazy background and an overview of the soldiers. Limited camera lenses provide us with mainly medium shots that are normally static, a much steadier camera than in Saving Private Ryan. As a viewer you feel as though you are looking in on the action, more objective, and so you feel like you are watching the battle, not really involved. When focusing on General N Cota (played by Robert Mitchum), the camera is angled slightly upwards, giving the general an air of power and the impression of authority. A centred shot is shown of the general standing casually on the ship. The men around him are seemingly unconcerned about what awaits them. Long shots are occasionally shown. They establish a background and help to set the scene. Not many close ups are shown; the director has chosen to have most scenes taken with a medium shot. This makes it feel as though you are watching, not participating in what is going on. This in turn leads to a lack of urgency throughout this clip because the camera is shooting from far away and the camera remains static nearly all the time. We are then shown the German headquarters. To make this scene as realistic as possible, Zanuck decided to have the actors speaking in German. This means that subtitles had to be used to explain to the audience what was being said. We have changed from watching an organised army (the Allies) to watching a frenzied, frantic, unorganised German one. The officers are seen rushing about ordering the nervous German soldiers to position themselves behind beach banks and barbed wire. The director has shown both sides and points of view of the same event. It puts the message across to the audience that the Nazis were only human after all. They were portrayed as human beings, doing what they thought was right, not just villainous bad guys. It can also show slight propaganda, even after the war. The audience likes to see the Germans panicking and worried, there was still hatred of the Nazis decades years after the war. We then come back to the American side. The troops do not seem to be very afraid. We see a fearless Robert Mitchum urging his men forwards as we hear cheering men. The cheering shows unity between the soldiers, again being highly patriotic. There are a limited variety of sound effects. The firing all seems to stop when the General speaks, the camera again giving an upward view of Robert Mitchum, reinforcing his importance and showing his confidence. Considering the amount of gunfire, there is little effect on the actors. The result is a shock free clip with the audience shown little gore or carnage. The men run up onto the beach, escaping almost every explosion by rolling around on the floor, getting up and running again. The men almost look like theyve been choreographed to run up the beach. Robert Mitchum is so in control that he calmly jogs up the beach, making this short scene seem very tame. I think the director has done this because the audience did not come to watch the film to see blood, quite the opposite, they were watching it to feel proud of their country and feel a sense of pride. They wanted to see heroism and many viewers would not want to see how their sons, fathers and friends were killed in action. Once at the top of the beach, we see Cota as a caring man when the famous Hollywood actor talks to a young boy. There is a pointless dialogue section where General N. Cota tells the young boy to go back onto the dangerous beach to get his rifle back. The young boy obediently runs off to try and find his gun. The sequence finishes in full flow with a shot of the Americans and Germans in a full combat. In Saving Private Ryan after the subtitles, we see the Higgins landing craft battling against the sea. Spielberg shot the scene on an overcast day (like the real battle) to make everything seem as realistic as possible. It works well because as a viewer you can feel that it is cold as you hear powerful waves hit the edge of the boats. There are a variety of shots used in this clip; far, medium and close up. We have changes of focus and clear close-ups and there are several shots that have been filmed using slow motion. All of this is mainly due to different filming techniques that have been introduced after The Longest Day. A handheld camera is used for this section of the film making you feel part of the action, making the audience more subjective. We are shown a clear close up of Captain Miller (played by Tom Hanks). We see him petrified, his hand shaking drinking from a water bottle. Tom Hanks then holds up his head showing us his scared face. You can feel the tension between the men. We see men saying their prayers with religious signs. The nerves are shown by seeing men being sick on the ship and seeing their scared faces. We get an impression of them being real people with feelings and thoughts. This instantly gives the viewers more of an insight to each character, than in The Longest Day. Captain Millers last words on the boat are Ill see you on the beach. These words are followed by silence, so the words are left ringing in your ear. We see and hear the wheel turning as the door goes down. As a viewer you are totally unprepared for what happens next, to me it came as a shock. Again with the handheld camera, we turn round and see lots of men being shot down, many not even making it off the ship. There is a lot of blood and gore shown. Next we are shown the viewpoint of the Germans. We see guns looking out onto where we have just seen. Actual German characters are not shown we just see the guns. This is a contrast between The Longest Day. In The Longest Day we are shown the Nazi side of the war, but in Saving Private Ryan the director has been more concerned with the American aspect of the D-Day landings. Instead of a full dialogue between German captains, we simply have an over-the-shoulder view of what is happening on the beach. Then we are back amongst the men. Spielberg uses an underwater camera for the next scene. We go underwater with the men falling off the edge of the boat. The sound becomes muted, with an indistinct sound of the soldiers underwater. As the camera bobs in and out of the water the sound from above becomes clearer and you remember everything that is going on out of the water. The harsh sounds from above the water contrast with the underwater sounds. We hear fizzing sounds of the bullets underwater. We see that people are not even safe under the water. People get shot and drown due to the heavy load they are carrying. Above the water we see chaos and panic and some horrific sights of war. Again we get a view from the Nazi side. This time there are not many soldiers in sight, they are all hiding from the guns firing at them from behind the German pillboxes. This is another contrast with The Longest Day. In The Longest Day, people were just running up the beach, not bothering to hide from the shots being fired at them. Also in Saving Private Ryan we do not have focus on the main character (Tom Hanks) the whole time, we get an overview of everything that is going on. In The Longest Day the camera follows Robert Mitchum for nearly the whole time, not giving the audience a real idea of what is going on. We then are back on the beach again. We see many remnants of dead people, bodies lying about the beach and more blood. The blood has been kept potent, but the rest of the colour desaturated by 60 per cent. This makes the blood really stand out, adding to the dramatic views we see. Tom Hanks stands up out of the water, he is wet and his face looks scared. He does not represent a hero. He is in the action, amongst dying bodies and other soldiers. The camera is angled slightly down on him. Instead of the camera shooting up at him (like Zanuck), Spielberg decided to have the viewers look down on him. This enhances our feelings towards the Tom Hanks, and shows us that the battle was not grand, instead it was an awful traumatic experience. Hanks fear in this scene comes through quite clearly. To help show this experience Miller looks round the beach, surveying the carnage that surrounds him. The sound is lowered so that it is a muted din. He watches flames engulf some soldiers, and the image of a soldier searching for his severed arm sticks out in your memory. Blood sprays in his face. Instead of the flames roaring loudly, they sound like they are a million miles away. This creates the impression of shellshock, needing an explosion of a shell to bring the captain back to the present time. He comes around when his younger comrade asks for his orders. This is the end of the scene. Both of these films have good qualities. Older people that I have asked have told me that they preferred The Longest Day. The Longest Day is a very nostalgic film, and relies heavily on the era in which it was first shown (several years after the Second World War). People that went to see it were interested in seeing big Hollywood stars, they were not really concerned about the quality of the acting. It was even rumoured that because there were so many famous actors, they complained that there was not enough screen time focusing on each of them. Another reason why The Longest Day is more popular with the elder generation is that there has been a great advance in technology since the film was made, making me, the younger generation, used to films with more special effects. Although it lacks realism, the showing of blood and guts, the spirit of the war is vividly represented. The heroism of the soldiers is celebrated and leaves you feeling very patriotic. However my favourite scene was from Saving Private Ryan. In many ways I think that this is my favoured film because it appeals to my generation. We do not want to see a film that has not got realistic scenes, and Saving Private Ryan shows us how Spielberg imagines the battle to have been like. Spielberg uses lots of new machinery and introduces special effects to get his ideas across. He has consulted war veterans, and historians to create as best as possible an accurate account of the battles. Also the film made me think about what my grandparents must have been through and shows acknowledgement and thanks to the older men that fought for us. In this essay I have pointed out the different uses of technology in the films and compared the action fully. It is interesting that both scenes leave the audience feeling a strong sense of patriotism and pride in their country.